Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible and ethical conduct of research is critical for excellence, as well as, public trust in academic research and education.

Temple University has an approved Misconduct in Research and Creative Work Policy. The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) is Josh Gladden. If there is a possible violation, the charge should be brought to the RIO's attention. Misconduct may include fabrication, plagiarism, falsification and failure to comply with the proper conduct of research. After the review of the charge made in good faith, the RIO may refer the situation to an inquiry committee to determine possible misconduct. If the committee considers there to be probable cause, then it is referred to an investigation committee. If they concur that there is misconduct, the case will then be referred to the President for possible sanction. All faculty must receive training in the integrity procedures


Please address questions and concerns regarding any possible violation to the Research Integrity Officer, Josh Gladden:

Tel: (215) 204-3708

The RIO is a delegated responsibility by Temple’s Institutional Official (IO). Josh Gladden, Vice President for Research, is the IO and can be reached as follows:

1801 N. Broad Street
Conwell Hall - Suite 401
Philadelphia PA 19122

Tel: (215) 204-3708
Fax: (215) 204-4609