Research Listservs

Our research listservs and mailing lists help keep our community informed about funding opportunities, training, rule changes, and more.

ERA Listserv (Main Research Listserv)

Memos about the Temple Research and Innovation enterprise, including updates about ERA, Pre- and Post-Award matters, and other matters important to the research community.

To join this listserv send an email to . In the body of the email enter "subscribe ERA yourfirstname yourlastname" (no quotes).

IACUC Listserv

Information from the Institution Animal Care and Use Committee including policies, regulations, site inspections and more. To join, contact .

IRB Listserv

Subscribe to the Temple University IRB listserv to receive regular updates on human subjects research policies, procedures, news, and information - including changes and upgrades to the Human Subjects Module in ERA. To join this listserv send an email to . In the body of the email enter "subscribe IRB-UPDATES yourfirstname yourlastname" (no quotes)

ULAR Listserv

The purpose of the listserv is to keep all animal users at Temple University updated with the latest information and announcements in reference to any system updates and their animal protocols. To join this listserv send an email to . In the body of the email enter "subscribe ANIMALUSERS yourfirstname yourlastname" (no quotes).

Funding Mailing List

This mailing list provides the Temple research community the latest funding availability updates. To subscribe, email

Innovation Mailing List

This mailing list provides updates about Temple's Innovation news. It is open to the Temple community as well as external community. To subscribe, email